salesforce partner

CRM Designer is an energetic team made up of people with passion. Simultaneously, these people are experts in their fields, dealing with helping companies change for the better daily, improving business processes, implementing marketing automation, and effectively using excellent tools that change their work in a previously unknown way.

We are a small company, but this is our main advantage. Since we are not affected by any limitations or characteristics of a corporation, you can count on a truly individual approach to each case you want to solve together with us. With our team, you will not experience the inertia of a large organization, the related delays, competency shortages, overload of the operational team, or other similar barriers.

At present, our team consists of eight Salesforce marketing experts and a wide range of business consulting. An ingenious content manager, a talented graphic designer, two developers/architects, and a project manager with many years of experience working with us permanently.

Team play, experience, and creativity are our strengths, and with the addition of passion as a driving force, we will cope with every task and support you in your daily work on the development of your business!


+48 512 430 301

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    Salesforce Partner


    CRM Designer sp. z o.o.
    ul. Przeskok 2a
    05-825 Grodzisk Mazowiecki
    REGON: 365395346, NIP: 5242808642,
    KRS 0000637187
    Sąd Rejonowy w Warszawie – XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
    kapitał zakładowy 10000zł

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